How quickly can an insurance company move to digital VIEWAPP inspections?
The introduction of any new technology for a company is a certain challenge and a step that must be taken, not only because of the budgets required to implant the innovation into the business, but also because of the fact that in any case it will have to change the structure of its activities.
That is, to restructure and, perhaps, radically transform business processes in the name of the benefits and results that innovation allows you to achieve.
It is well known that a company is, first of all, people, staff. That is the very employees who do the work and move the business forward, and it is clear that everyone is much more comfortable to work in already established, familiar processes, rather than changing something on the fly, adjusting and feeling a certain stress, as a rule, accompanying any change.
At such moments we would like to remind you that in principle it is impossible to stop Progress: it can be slowed down, sabotaged, but it is unlikely to be radically impeded. The laws of competition are also inexorable - if one company has an important digital advantage, the rest of the market will not be able to ignore this fact, otherwise such shortsighted players will be ignored by the users. As for the direct transition to VIEWAPP, it is almost painless for the staff, which, begins to work with more tangible comfort and with much less routine.
New technology, such as VIEWAPP, which makes offline inspections a thing of the past and digitizes almost all inspections, does not let the bar slip below the ground, because digital service is becoming a standard in the financial market.
A number of large insurance players, such as AlfaStrakhovanie, Renaissance Insurance and others, are already successfully performing inspections for insurance and other purposes with VIEWAPP technology, which as a White label can be used both in its original version without adjustment for a particular company, and easily transformed into a branded assembly with the necessary adjustments for the specific activities.
Insurers are looking at VIEWAPP en masse and one of the most pressing topics is the speed of onboarding, that is, the time frame in which it is possible to become familiar with VIEWAPP technology and start fully digital inspections. Since VIEWAPP is a platform consisting of a WEB interface, which is essentially an "Inspection Control Center" where inspection scripts are generated and then all the necessary regulatory actions are performed to verify inspection results; and a mobile app, which is directly used for inspections, the company planning to go digital needs to be trained in how to use the platform and the VIEWAPP app.
This is a fairly simple and quick process, taking up to 2 weeks, depending on the size of the company. We even have successful experience in mass online training of 4 groups of employees, each with 150 people - here it's not even more a question of our training resource, but of the company itself in the reactive organization of its staff.
In addition to training, the company will also need another important thing - assigning roles to their users so that they have the proper rights in the system, and all work with digital inspections is done correctly.
Initially, VIEWAPP already has many typical inspection scenarios in place, such as
- Passenger car inspection;
- Inspection of a house;
- Inspection of special vehicles;
- Inspection of a truck;
- Inspection of apartment, etc.
That is, you can take a ready-made scenario and start the inspection right away - this also has a positive effect on the speed of adoption of VIEWAPP technology.
Other important steps in the transition to digital VIEWAPP inspections are managerial decisions concerning the change in the company's algorithm, since VIEWAPP can involve both a complete transition to performing inspections directly by the company's clients, which is ideally the most efficient use of this technology, and by the insurer's own specialists, who did it before with other pre-digital means. Everything else is purely technical organizational aspects of working already with the inspection results themselves, which are not difficult, since the same specialists perform the same inspections, only provided by other means and methods.
The experience of implementing VIEWAPP shows that, on average, the transition to digital inspections takes from 2 weeks to 2 months, which, given the training, reformatting and internal homework of the insurance company, is fast enough.