The number of VIEWAPP inspections has exceeded 400,000!
More than 400,000 digital VIEWAPP inspections have been carried out for a variety of inspection sites, including both standard inspection scenarios and customised, business-specific inspections.
VIEWAPP's remote-controlled, secured inspections allow you to quickly and easily perform inspections such as:
- Vehicles;
- Property;
- Special machinery;
- Collateral items;
- Businesses;
- Goods;
- Inventories;
- Construction projects;
- Food and more.
The number of businesses interested in conducting digital inspections is also expanding: while banks, insurance and leasing companies used to be the leaders in remote inspections, they are now being joined by inspection companies, charities, valuation companies, aggregators and retailers.
And inspections can be carried out not only by specialists from the inspecting companies, but also by their customers, because the application is implemented in such a way that even a person who sees it for the first time can cope with it. The handy, step-by-step prompts at every step of the inspection process help you get the job done with minimal effort and time.
VIEWAPP does not exist in a vacuum, but works closely with its customers, who are also affected by geopolitical events, all of which together influence the dynamics of the project. Under more favourable conditions, the number of inspections can and will be many times greater, which we will continue to strive for by building up the pool of partners and outlining a plan for further action, which is ultimately to be able to meet the needs of all inspection customers.