New ViewApp Partner - Absolut Bank
AKB Absolut Bank (PJSC) is a major player in the financial sphere since 1993.
Company's priorities are as follows:
• High professionalism of the staff;
• Focus on the customer;
• The latest technology.
In the process of banking, they came to a solution to implement remote inspections evaluating real estate for mortgage, and a solution for smartphones.
ViewApp is ideally suited for these purposes.
Inspection is performed in the shortest possible time according to a predefined plan with tips at each step and recording all photos and videos for further processing.
The second case of using ViewApp application is remote inspection of real estate making decisions on the issuance of mortgage loans.
The introduction of this innovative technology will bring the bank customer service to a new level, saving time both for the users of banking services and banks themselves, as well as reducing costs of own staff for banks. A special bonus of the introduced technology is the guaranteed built-in anti-fraud protection.
Additional advantages of using ViewApp:
• The ability to conduct inspections at any convenient time.
• Data storage and subsequent transmission in the absence of Internet connection when first connection.
• Convenience of embedding into the company's existing business processes.