VIEWAPP's new partner - TIT Insurance Company
The VIEWAPP partners pool has been joined by an insurance company "TIT", which was founded in 1993 as a civil aviation risks insurer and by now has developed a many-sided balanced insurance portfolio, which includes different kinds of insurance for individuals and the corporate sector.
For example, the company has such an interesting product like "Combined Lombard Insurance", as well as Dive Insurance Policy (DIP) and many others, that means the range of insurance products is very wide.
Like any insurer, TIT has a number of tasks to inspect objects of insurance, as well as objects of loss adjustment. In today's world, these tasks are handled digitally, and the move to remote secure digital VIEWAPP inspections is a big step in joining the digital progression that allows insurance companies to provide services at a more advanced level.
Moving insurance inspections to digital is not only a move towards their customers and partners, which frees up a huge amount of time and energy for higher priority tasks, but it also increases the efficiency of your own company, as digital inspections provide significant savings on doing business. As soon as VIEWAPP's remote digital inspection technology becomes available to insurance company staff, it's immediately clear how efficient and long expected by the market.
Using VIEWAPP digital inspections, the insurer can construct its own company scenario with guidance on each step, so the person performing the inspection can easily do everything quickly and accurately; it can be an insurer's own specialist as well as the client. The digital inspection can be completed by a specialized Document, created by the insurer in its own form, for example an Act of inspection, signed with an electronic digital signature, which is also very convenient for all parties, and the client - physical person can easily sign the document with an sms message, which are also implemented in the VIEWAPP system.
The TIT insurance company currently uses a non-branded assembly, i.e. the standard VIEWAPP product (web interface + inspection application), in which a large number of universal scenarios are implemented and can be used immediately. If, over time, the insurer wants a named product, a branded assembly will be developed with the inclusion of personalized scenarios of the TIT insurance company.