ViewApp takes part in Singapore FinTech Festival
Singapore Fintech Festival is one of the most significant events in the world of financial technology promotion. It took place in Singapore from November 1 to November 15, 2019.
The scope of the event is amazing:
-130 participating countries;
-45,000 delegates.
The festival program was mainly devoted to the development and implementation of progressive financial technology and the future financial market as a whole. Singapore FinTech Festival was held in conjunction with the Singapore Week of Innovation & Technology, and this only strengthened the synergy of the event.
Moscow Innovation Cluster, established by the Moscow Government for development of scientific and technological progress and the introduction of the latest technologies, in the framework of the festival organized an acceleration program for the following Russian fintech startups:
- ViewApp;
- Rubbles;
- Oz Forensics;
- Webbankir;
- Sendy.
This is a great opportunity to express themselves in the most promising market in Asia, where there is a huge interest and need for innovative financial solutions.
The platform, where large financial players meet, gives a chance to get reliable investors and partners for their projects. It is also an exchange of experience and analysis of potential competing products, researching the capacity of a new market.
In addition to the presentation of products and projects at the pitch session, Moscow innovation cluster got to know leading Singaporean accelerators and innovation centers:
- MasterCard Innovation Lab;
- Verizon Innovation Community by JustCo;
- Standard Chartered eXellerator;
- Block 71 NUS Enterprise;
- Design Orchard.
The participation of the Moscow Innovation Cluster and Russian fintech-startups in this event is just the first step towards promoting Russian technology on the international arena, further stages include international acceleration programs.